Is it time to fine-tune the performance of your Teachable sales page?

4 min readNov 24, 2020

We have all seen those episodes of Pimp My Ride, where a shabby old wreck of a car is handed over to experts who will fine-tune the engine until it growls like a bear with a hangover.

They will take out the old seats and replace them with slick racing chairs, spraypaint the metalwork so it looks like the cover of a 1980's heavy metal album. Pimp those wheels with more chrome than a rappers bathroom and cover the underbelly of the beast with so much neon that the car could be seen from the international space station.

Yes, the old banger is soon transformed by these experts to an automatic, systematic, hydromatic, Greased Lightning! and the old car is barely recognised under this onslaught of improvements.

Pimp My Page

So how about you do the same to your Teachable Sales Page?

A Sales Page has as many important components to it than a pimped car:

The header, the hero statement, the price, the sales copy, images, testimonials, risk reversal, social proof, certification, clear call to actions, the list of elements on a successful sales pages goes on and on.

If anyone of these elements is missing or badly implemented on the page. It can detrimentally affect the number of sales conversions your page will produce.

Then you have to consider the supporting components of any successful Sales Page: the entire marketing and sales funnel; the email sequence; the retargeting; the bump and squeeze; the affiliates; the follow on customer journies etc. etc.

Let’s just take one example component: The Hero Statement.

A Hero Statement is a well-written headline on your page. Which will let anybody landing on your page instantly know why they should buy the course. There are three important components to a Hero Statement that are needed to achieve this result. (the fine-tuning)

  1. What will be the benefit to the student if they buy this course?
  2. What is the mechanism this course will provide for this beneficial outcome to occur?
  3. Why must the student take action?

A well-written Hero Statment can be as defining to your success as the content in your course. After all, you may have created an amazing course but if the student doesn't understand what is in it for them then your course will not sell.

Sales copywriters can spend significant time in just getting one of these Hero Statements to read correctly. Then often with some A/B testing variations of the headline are tested to see which one achieves the greatest number of responses.

So like fine-tuning a car's engine each and every part of your Sales Page can be “tuned” and improved until your page is humming with the sound of student enrolments.

Expert Audit

So if your Teachable Course is feeling more like a Second-Hand Car then perhaps its time you took action…

If you need to pimp your course then visit

There are three courses of action you can take right now:

  1. Learn how to pimp your course yourself.
  2. Get an expert to pimp your course for you.
  3. Do both!

So if you're crying out S.O.S — SAVE OUR SALES. One of these options could be for you.

If you are going to take option 1. Then prepare for a YouTube, Google and Amazon learning fest. You should start your search for topics on:

Sales Funnels & Course Marketing

Paid Advertising: SEO, PPC, Facebook Pixel

Sales copywriting

Email sequencing

This will put you in a better position to start to evaluate and fine-tune your sales page.

If you are taking option 1. Then you could accelerate your understanding by engaging those fine people at

They can produce a 40-page audit for you. Looking at your sales funnel and sales page. This detailed audit will provide with tips and suggestions on how to improve your sales page and how to pimp that page to maximise your sales success.

Then simply focus on the areas that need fixing and make those improvements yourself.

Or finally, you could engage Reachable to make those changes for you.

Just like a car owner who gets the experts to pimp their ride, you can get these experts to pimp your page based on the audit results.


However you go about it. One thing is for sure and ugly page with poor performance is ultimately an overhead and costs you money just to host it.

Like an expensive old car, you should consider either scrapping the course and cutting your losses or invest in the process to make your course go burnin’ up the quarter mile! like Greased Lightening.




Making Teachable Reachable through sales funnel solutions! Sell more courses online.