We love Teachable! We love Teachable because it allows creators and enthusiasts to turn their passion into a business. We love Teachable as it’s a gateway for individuals to learn new skills. We love Teachable because it promotes learning new skills, no matter your age. What’s not to love about Teachable!?
Do you want what we really love seeing on Teachable? Course creators who give students a free sneak peek of their course content with a mini-course before buying a full course or subscription. Why do we love this? Not only does it mean students can ‘try before they buy’ but it also allows creators to create a ‘lead magnet’ for their full courses. A win/win situation!
Our Five Favourite Free Courses
So, because we love free mini-courses so much, we thought it was only right to feature our top 5! Why not check them out? You could find a subject you fancy learning, or it may give you an idea of how you could create a free mini-course of your own, which could then be used as a lead magnet.
Jessica Sprague
We just love this course! Jessica’s Teachable school provides detailed, easy to digest information surrounding photo editing and digital scrap booking. Whether it’s for personal use or for your business, at the end of the course, you’ll be a photography pro.
Not only this, but Jessica also offers a free photoshop course — Photoshop Friday, to give the students a taste of her content before signing up. Check it out here!
VR Dev School
This Teachable school is unlike anything we have seen on Teachable before. VR Dev School is dedicated to teaching students how to make virtual reality games for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Gear VR and Google Cardboard — we told you it was cool!
What we love the most about VR Dev School is that, even though it’s an amazing concept, which I’m sure students are queuing up to sign up to, the creator has still included a free mini-course for prospective students — we’re impressed! The free mini-course details how to create games and experiences for the Samsung Gear VR. As of yet, the course is still under construction, but you know we will be first in line when it’s available! Check the mini-course out here
The Sales Training Academy
Gilly Thompson, the creator of The Sales Training Academy, is one of the UK’s leading sales trainers and international speakers on sales development. Her courses detail everything you need to know about sales, no matter what industry you’re in.
What we really love about The Sales Training Academy is that Gilly’s lead magnet is something a bit different, she doesn’t offer a free mini course, but instead a free e-Book! The free downloadable e-Book is targeted towards accountants, and goes on to upsell her ‘New Client Sales Training Course for Accountants’. We love this approach! Have a look for yourself here
60 Minute Physics
These short courses, developed by Henry Reich, are based on the ‘MinutePhysics’ YouTube Series which have accumulated nearly 200 million views on YouTube. Whether you are studying physics in school, or have a newfound keen interest in science, these courses promise to get you engrossed in the world of science.
Henry’s courses are completely free to enjoy! However, he gives the option to donate various sums of money for small perks. A clever method which allows everyone and anyone to get learning about physics, but also allows the course to be profitable. Check it out here!
Create Your Being
Create your being focuses on teaching self-development and personal growth as a form of self-care. The courses provide tools on how to discover who you really are, and how to grow into the person you want to be.
Create Your Being’s free course asks you to create a story for your future, focus on three aspects of life that are important to your life, and construct actionable phrases for each goal plus more helpful tools and approaches for growing as a person. We love this course as it allows personal reflection and growth — for free! Check it out here
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